ש • SHIN (S/Sh)

"Mother of Heaven, You are the Holy Fire. In your perfect symmetry you show us the form of balance".

Through Shin, the element of fire came into Creation. Shin, as a stump with three flames, represents symmetry, balance and grace, as well as a transformational process. The letter Shin represents the sacred fire that blazes the materialistic aspects of our essence and transforms them into spirituality.

SHAPE: Three tongues of fire burning on a single stump 
COLOR: Fiery brilliant orange-red, the color of fire.
GEMSTONES: Ruby/red spinel 

MESSAGE: The letter Shin invites us to change and transform ourselves. With Shin we activate an alchemical process that begins with the purification of unnecessary parts, bringing to light the spirituality that feeds the soul. Fire is a very powerful tool of transformation that can be purifying or destructive. One must know how to manage it.