‎ת • TAV (T/Th)

"Universal seal. You are the final end of the axis of truth."

Through Tav, Jupiter - the planet of justice and rectitude, came into Creation. Tav is the last letter of the alphabet and joins with Alef, the first letter, and Mem, the middle letter of the alphabet, to form the Hebrew word "Truth." Tav in Hebrew means: "Signet" and seals the signs of Creation through an axis of equity and integrity.

SHAPE: Signet
COLOR: Lively copper rose, the color of Jupiter. 
GEMSTONES: Brown Sapphire/Natural Zircon

MESSAGE: Tav invites us to source our vital energy by reconnecting with the profound truth of our existence. Tav represents the letter of realization in the earthly world. The Tav path guides us to remain faithful to our inner truth, valid at the beginning, middle, and end of our spiritual journey.