In Jewish mysticism, the world was created using twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These letters are shown above aligned in the form of a tree, which the Kabbalists described as the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is a structure made up of three vertical axes on which are arranged ten spheres, named: "Sefirot", that represent ten aspects of God, ten universal forces, and ten archetypes. 

Among the twenty-two Hebrew letters, ten correspond to the Sefirot, while the remaining twelves act as multiple paths connecting each sphere to another and conveying divine abundance - the infinite light from the upper worlds to our world.

Starting from above they are:

1. Keter - Crown - א • Alef

2. Chokhmà - Wisdom - מ • Mem

3. Binà - Understanding - ש • Shin

4. Chesed - Kindness - ב • Bet

5. Ghevurà - Discipline - ג • Gimel

6. Tiferet - Beauty - ד • Dalet

7. Netzach - Victory - כ • Khaf

8. Hod - Splendor - פ • Peh

9. Yesod - Foundation - ר • Resh

10. Malkhut - Kingship - ת • Tav

Each Sefirà is connected to the others through 12 light pathways:

1. Keter - Chokhmà - ה • Hei

2. Keter - Bina - ו • Vav 

3. Chokhmà - Daat - ז • Zain

4. Binà - Daat - ח • Khet

5. Daat - Chesed - ט • Tet

6. Daat - Ghevurà - י • Yod

7. Chesed - Tiferet - ל • Lamed

8. Ghevurà - Tiferet - נ • Nun

9. Tiferet - Netzach - ס • Samech

10. Tiferet - Hod - ע • Ain

11. Netzach - Yesod - צ • Zadi

12. Hod - Yesod - ק • Kuf

The Tree of Life illustrated by Raffaella Procaccia with its different hues of colors is a reflection of her knowledge of light spectrums and her cabalistic studies. We chose precious and semiprecious gemstones that best match the color of her artwork for Sign of Creation's jewelry pieces.

(The Illustration depicts the Tree of life as described by the Book of Formation by Gaon of Vilna)